Want To Make Money Then Learn These Things
PPF is always considered a safe and secure medium option of investment. If someone is looking for a safe option for investment then they should invest in PPF. PPF investment is a trustworthy investment. It also provides tax exemption.
The account can be opened with Rs.500
Any Indian citizen can open an account with an investment of Rs.500. Can deposit a decided amount in the PPF account on monthly basis. Right now, the government is providing a 7.1% interest rate on PPF accounts. Its maturity period is 15 years. But only a few people know that after the completion of the maturity period you can earn money, so today we are going to tell you those tricks by which you can earn money after maturity.
The account is Tax-Free
If your PPF investment is mature then you can withdraw your money and close the account. The amount which is getting on maturity is with interest and tax-free. After closing the account your whole PPF amount is transferred into your bank account.
Duration of Investment Can be Increased
After maturity, you can increase the investment for 5 years in the PPF account. By adding a sum to your account you can start a new investment. If a person wants to increase the duration of the PPF account then he/she delivered an application before the one year. You can withdraw your money in the next 5 years.
No Penalty On PPF Account
If you don’t take any action after the maturity of PPF, then your account not going to be deactivated. Your account remains active and there is no penalty on it.